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Release:Zhengyang air conditioning | Time:2018/4/20 10:07:09

First, the use and characteristics of mixed flow fan
It is compact in structure, convenient in installation, low in noise and wide in application.
Mixed flow fan is widely used in public buildings, civil buildings and industrial and mining enterprises in the air supply and discharge system.

Two. Working principle of mixed flow fan
The mixed flow (or axial flow) fan combines the characteristics of an axial and centrifugal fan, although it looks more like a traditional axial flow fan. The curved plate - shaped blade is welded on the conical steel hub. The flow is changed by changing the angle of the blade in the inlet of the upper inlet of the impeller. The shell can have an open entrance, but more commonly, it has a right angle bending shape so that the motor can be placed outside the pipe. The discharge shell expands slowly to slow down the air or gas flow and convert the kinetic energy into a useful static pressure.

Three. The use, maintenance and maintenance of the mixed flow fan
1. Maintenance.
A, before installation, it should be carefully checked whether the wind blade and the casing are damaged or deformed due to transportation, otherwise it should be installed after repair.
B, check whether the blade and the winder can touch the shell because of the loosening of the connecting screw, if the clearance of the blade winder is not uniform, then the rear can be adjusted to the rear.
Before the C, the fan start, first check the fan and the pipe there are no obstacles to rotation of the articles;
D, check the insulation performance of the motor is good, after connecting the power to see if there are friction collisions and abnormal vibration.
E, in the normal operation, if in the case of the following circumstances should be immediately checked:

1, the temperature rise of the motor is more than 70 degrees centigrade.
2, motor Changbai smoke;
3. There is a strong vibration or a larger magnetic sound.

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