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Release:Zhengyang air conditioning | Time:2018/8/20 10:48:07

1. Model representation method of long distance jet air conditioning unit
Two. Characteristics of long distance jet air conditioning unit
1. Box
The combination of low heat barrier plate made of color steel plate and high sealing material frame. The frame is aluminum alloy profile frame, and the wall panel is polyurethane foam, and its thermal conductivity is: =0.002w/m.. High density polyethylene panels or glass wool panels can also be used. The structure is corrosion resistant, corrosion resistant, beautiful and durable, and the air leakage rate of the box is small.
2. The fan
The centrifugal fan with low noise and high efficiency is used for the centrifugal fan. The fan is corrected by the precision dynamic balance to ensure the smooth operation of the unit, which has the characteristics of low noise and high full pressure.
3. The surface cooler
The main use of high quality seamless copper tube and high purity aluminum foil, through the advanced mechanical or hydraulic pipe process to ensure the close integration of the products to ensure superior performance and reliable quality.
4. Dry condensate plate
Extra thick lining heat insulation material ensures no dew condensation in the harsh environment. The condensate tray is slightly inclined to install, which is conducive to condensate discharge. At the same time, according to the non full flow state, the discharge capacity of the condensate pipe is more than 5 times that of the unit when it runs normally. The timely discharge of condensate reduces the "touch water" time of the condensate plate, which is beneficial to reduce the corrosion of the condensate disc and avoid the bacteria of the condensate disk to grow and ensure the indoor air quality.
5. The tuyere
The spherical nozzle with excellent jet performance is used as the air outlet to realize long-distance air supply without wind pipes. It is especially suitable for high and large space, especially for large area workshop. When the air is supplied horizontally, the air supply angle can be adjusted manually or in the range of 60 degrees by the controller, so that the hot and cold wind can be delivered to the desired position.
6. Control
The frequency conversion speed control system designed and manufactured by our company can be automatically adjusted according to the air conditioning load, and the new wind operation can be adopted in the transitional season.
7. Air filter
It can be easily drawn from the units around and up and down, so it is especially suitable for maintenance and cleaning in compact space. The filter material can be made of nylon bump net or non-woven fabric.
Three. Design and selection of long distance jet air conditioning unit

The distance jet air conditioning unit with the ball type nozzle as the air outlet is different from the ordinary ceiling air conditioning unit. The air conditioning unit is not in the air pipe, which is mainly used for direct direct air supply in the long distance. The calculation of the thermal performance parameters of an air conditioning unit is the same as that of a common air conditioning unit. For a building, when the air supply distance, the installation height of the air conditioning unit, the air supply temperature, the indoor temperature and the air supply are roughly determined, a suitable remote jet air conditioning unit should be selected so that the cold and hot jets from the air inlet of the unit can meet the following requirements.
The cold and hot air is sent to the designated position.
The cold jet will not drop halfway, leading to human discomfort.
The hot air can reach the required distance and location of the air supply.
The end temperature difference meets the design requirements.
The interaction and interaction between the air outlets of multiple units should be considered in the design and selection. The diffusion width of the jet is about 0.4 times that of the range, and the layout density of the unit is slightly smaller than that of the diffusion width.
If the unit is close to the ceiling, the effect of attachment should be considered. The range of airflow attached to the airflow is about 1.4 times that of the general air flow.
Four. The use of long distance jet air conditioning unit
The remote jet air conditioning unit is applicable to the following situations:
1, large space, hoping to reduce one-time investment and save air conditioning operation costs.
2, indoor upper space is not allowed to install wind pipes or difficult to install wind pipes.
3, high space hot wind is difficult to send the following occasions. For example: large supermarket, workshop, stadium, swimming pool, waiting hall, exhibition hall, lobby, lobby and so on.

Five. Parameters of long distance jet air conditioning unit

Note: 1, return air condition: cold air inlet and dry bulb temperature 27 C, wet bulb temperature 19.5 C, inlet temperature 7 C, inlet and outlet temperature difference 5 C.
Heating air inlet and dry bulb temperature 15 C, hot water inlet temperature 60 C
2, fresh air conditions: cooling air intake, dry bulb temperature 34 degrees, wet bulb temperature 28 C, inlet temperature 7 C, inlet and outlet temperature difference 5 C.
The heating air intake and dry bulb temperature is -4 C, and the inlet water temperature of hot water is 60 C.

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