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Circular diffuser

Release:Zhengyang air conditioning | Time:2018/5/24 9:29:23
The diffuser is an air conditioning or ventilated air vent, which is divided into multi direction flow, which is usually used in large areas such as the hall, so that the new air distribution is evenly distributed.
Air conditioning or ventilated air vent, as the name implies, is to give out the wind direction into the direction of multidirectional flow, generally used in large areas such as the lobby of the air outlet set, so that the new wind distribution is uniform.
According to the different types of diffuser, there are (1) square (moment) diffuser, circular multi layer conical diffuser and circular convex diffuser, its flow pattern is flat feed and attached type; (2) self powered temperature control variable flow diffuser (3) return (suction) dual use diffuser.
The diffuser is a common air outlet in the air conditioning system. It has the characteristics of uniform dispersion and simple and beautiful appearance. It can be made into square or rectangular according to the requirements of use. It can meet the decoration requirements of any ceiling. The inner core part of the diffuser can be detached from the outer frame for easy installation and cleaning. The rear outlet can be equipped with an air outlet regulating valve to control the adjustment of the air volume. It is suitable for studio, hospital, theatre, classroom, music hall, library, recreation hall, theatre lounge, general office, store, hotel, hotel, and gymnasium. In order to avoid noise interference and discomfort in various environments, it is necessary to consider the installation height and installation situation in addition to determining the neck wind speed according to the performance table.
Product selection
1. the main control parameter tuyere type is selected. Material, specification, outlet wind speed, total pressure loss and airflow range.
2. the material of diffuser mainly includes three types: plastic, steel and aluminum alloy.
3. main points of selection
1) according to the characteristics of the project and the type of air distribution required. Adjust the performance and air supply mode, and select the corresponding type of tuyere.
2) according to the required air volume [air supply or exhaust (return) wind], determine the size of the required draught in the permitted wind speed range at the neck of the tuyere (or the section of the inlet and outlet of the inlet). If the outlet size is determined according to the wind speed of the tuyere (generally 2~5m/s), the effective area rate of the tuyere should be considered (usually 30%~60%).
3) check the main technical performance of the chosen tuyere. Such as range, pressure loss, noise index and wind speed and temperature difference in the working area.
4) determine the layout and installation method of the selected outlet and the connection way with the air duct.
Construction and installation
1. the mechanical properties of the tuyere should be checked before installation.
A) the movable parts of the tuyere are required to act freely and evenly, without clamping and loosening.
B) the adjustable or dismantling product of the deflector is required to adjust and disassemble conveniently and reliably, and there is no loosening after positioning.
2. the surface of the tuyere should be smooth, the distribution of the diffusion ring should be symmetrical, the color should be consistent, and there is no obvious scratch and indentation.
3. the allowable deviation value of the tuyere should be in accordance with the provisions of Table 2.
Table 2 the allowable deviation unit of the tuyere size: mm

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