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Egg tuyere

Release:Zhengyang air conditioning | Time:2018/5/8 15:24:49
The grid air inlet can improve the indoor air quality, reduce the energy consumption of the building, and control the local hot and wet environment in the large space. It has gradually become an important direction of the building air conditioning in the office building. At the same time, it also puts forward new challenges to the design of the traditional air conditioning system in the office building.
The traditional office building central air conditioning grid air inlet system is the air conditioning system of fan coil and new wind turbine, centralized air conditioning system with fixed air volume, and variable air volume air conditioning system. These systems usually use the roof air supply (upper air supply) air conditioning mode, which emphasizes the full mixing of air flow and indoor air. The air sent by the ceiling absorbs all the residual heat produced in the indoor air, and the moisture and dilution of the pollutants, so that the indoor temperature and humidity are basically the same. This control method can not meet the different requirements of temperature and ventilation for different users in the same space. Moreover, once the system is installed, it is not easy to change the location of the tuyere as needed.
The air inlet of the grid is generally set up with the ground, the ground needs to be aerial, the lower space is used as the air supply pipe or directly used as the air supply static pressure box, the air supply through the floor to enter the room, and the heat and quality exchange with the indoor air from the upper part of the room (roof or work area). Since 1970s, Europe has been applied to office buildings. In particular, in the mid - 80s, the success of Lloyd, s building in London and HSBC in Hongkong, in the use of the air conditioning system in Hongkong, attracted the attention of the air conditioning technology community of all countries.  At present, the research and application of grille air supply system in China is in its infancy.
The main difference between the 2 grid air supply system and the traditional air supply system.
In terms of cold and heat source equipment and air treatment equipment, the grid air supply system is similar to the traditional upper air supply air conditioning system. The main difference of grid air supply system is that it is from the floor space of the air supply; the air supply temperature is higher (usually 17~18 degrees C) when cooling, and different local climate can be formed in the same large space; the indoor air distribution is the air flow pattern from the floor to the ceiling.
3.1 facilitate refurbishment of buildings and renovation of existing buildings.
When the use of the office changes, the need for rearrangement and decoration, the air vent set on the floor is easy to change, and the floor space is convenient for the reinstallation of power lines, communication lines, water pipes and so on. This can greatly reduce the cost of redecorating. According to Japanese experience, only labor can save 32%<1>. The floor air supply system can be used for the renovation of the buildings. Although the high floor will meet the floor height, the adjustment of the staircase and the elevator stop position, the lifting of the floor of the toilet, these problems can be solved. In addition, the installation process of the static pressure box is a relatively dry process, and the damage to other building structures can be minimized.
3.2 personal control of local climate environment
After the static pressure box is used to send the wind, the air outlet is generally arranged on the ground, and the diffuser is directly sent to the work place. The user can not only control the air volume but also control the direction of the wind, which obviously improves the comfort of the individual. The use of static pressure box air supply makes the concrete floor become a thermal storage layer, thus reducing the temperature fluctuations and peak cooling load.
3.3 improve the air quality in the working area
As the air outlet is placed on the ceiling, the air flow organization form is beneficial to the removal of waste heat, residual moisture and pollutants from the use space, so as to ensure higher air exchange efficiency and air quality in the working area.

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