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Release:Zhengyang air conditioning | Time:2018/8/20 10:45:11

Ceiling type fresh air units are air conditioning equipment that provides fresh air. Function according to the requirements of the use of the environment can achieve constant temperature or humidity or simply provide fresh air. The working principle is to extract fresh air outside the air after dedusting, dehumidification (or humidification), cooling (or heating), and so on. The air is replaced by the fan and replaced by the indoor air when entering the room. Of course, the functions mentioned above must be determined according to the needs of the environment. The more complete the functions, the higher the cost.

Two, control of air supply temperature for the ceiling type new wind turbine
The temperature control of the air supply is the control of the specified air temperature, which is usually applied to meet the requirements of the indoor health rather than the burden of the indoor air. Therefore, during the whole control time, the air supply temperature is kept constant. Because winter and summer require different indoor requirements, winter and summer air supply temperatures should have different requirements. That is to say, there are two control values - winter control value and summer control value in the whole year when the air temperature is controlled by the new wind turbine. Therefore, the conversion of the controller's winter and summer conditions must be considered.
When the air supply temperature is controlled, the water quantity of the cold dish is usually controlled in summer, and the steam flow rate of the hot coil pipe or the steam coil pipe is controlled in winter. In order to facilitate management, temperature sensors are usually located in the air supply pipe of the engine room where the unit is located.

Three. The difference between ceiling type fresh air unit and air conditioning unit.
The ceiling type new wind turbine is used to deal with the new wind. In a large building, the general new wind turbine is used in conjunction with the fan coil, and the fan coil and the new air fan are actually similar to the air conditioner. Under normal circumstances, the air conditioner itself has new draught, fresh air is used to ensure the quality of indoor air, and to supplement indoor ventilation. Since there is no new air vent for the fan coil, all the new wind turbines are needed, the new wind provided by the new wind turbine and the return air passed through the fan coil, or the first mixing and then by the fan coil, and then sent into the room. The new wind unit mainly deals with the outdoor air, and the air conditioning unit is used to handle the air treated by the new fan, but the new fan can have the air back, the return air can also have the new wind. The purpose is to better adjust the parameters of temperature and humidity.

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