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Residual pressure valve

Release:Zhengyang air conditioning | Time:2018/5/8 17:40:51
Residual pressure valve
The residual pressure valve is designed to maintain a certain static pressure in the room and realize the energy free automatic control of the positive pressure of the air conditioning room. It is a unidirectional air volume regulating device that adjusts the opening according to the static pressure difference and balances the wind pressure with the position of the heavy hammer. The air volume of the residual pressure valve is generally between 100-1200m3/h, and maintains the pressure difference between 5-40Pa.

The residual pressure valve has a good adaptability to the sharp static pressure change, and it should be set on the outside wall of the lower wind side between the clean rooms with different static pressure, and not in the indoor airflow where the downstream side is obviously affected. The device consists of the outer frame, the valve plate and the counterweight. The maximum opening angle of the valve plate is 45 degrees. It can be widely used in the purification workshop or clean room to maintain the positive pressure difference between the indoor and outdoor, so that the excess air in the room is discharged and the outdoor air is prevented.
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