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Release:Zhengyang air conditioning | Time:2018/8/20 9:25:04
ZK series combined air conditioning unit is the experience of our unit combined with decades of professional production of air conditioning units. On the basis of the advantages of similar units at home and abroad, advanced technology and production technology are introduced. The unit can cool, dry, heat, humidification, filter and purify the air, and has the function of noise elimination. It can be widely used in market, hotels, office buildings, gymnasiums and other occasions as well as air conditioning situations in hospital operation room, pharmaceuticals, cigarettes, food, precision instrument manufacture and so on.

The ZK series combined air conditioning units are divided into two general-purpose units (ZK) and purification units (ZKJ). Treatment of air volume 2000~200000m3/h. The performance of air conditioning units (such as cold, heat, noise and airtightness) has reached a higher level in China.

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