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Release:Zhengyang air conditioning | Time:2018/8/20 11:09:23
Working principle
The device is composed of a valve body, a control blade, a torsion spring assembly, a damping device, a wind volume display device, and other components. The control blade is supported by the blade shaft, and the blade is divided into two parts along the shaft, and there is a bending angle. When the air passes through the inner chamber air bag of the valve body at a certain velocity, different velocity and pressure distribution are produced on the upper and lower blades. This different pressure produces a force against the blade to close the blade, so that the blade is in a relative level. When the pressure difference Delta P changes, a new equilibrium position is achieved by automatically adjusting the angle of the control valve and making the flow constant within a small error range, which makes it possible for the flow to be constant in the allowable range of pressure difference. The damping device plays a role in reducing the oscillation. In this way, according to the data obtained by the experiment, the scale of the air volume corresponding to the adjusting axis in different positions is made into a scale table, and the customer only needs to be set easily, and the work of adjusting the air volume becomes simple and easy.

Installation and commissioning Guide
1, installation position requirements: This product can choose the horizontal installation or vertical installation, the priority is to recommend the use of horizontal installation structure, but whatever installation method should be paid attention to keep the blade shaft level.
2, by adjusting the pointer of the dial outside the fixed air volume valve to set the air volume, there is no need to measure the air volume on the spot. Compared with the traditional wind valve, it has the advantages of no professional testing and adjustment. If the system working pressure changes in a certain range, but the distribution of air volume of the whole system changes due to the opening or closing of the part of the air duct, the valve will react immediately and automatically adjust the position of the blade directly, so that the air flow passing through the fixed wind valve is in the whole. The range of pressure difference is constant on the set value, and the remote setting of air volume can be realized when the additional actuator is equipped with a constant air volume valve.
3, the fixed air volume valves are equipped with flanges at both ends to ensure the connection and tightness of the air duct system.

Order notes
1. The data listed in this sample, tested and calculated under specific conditions, will be slightly deviated from the technical parameters in the sample when the use and test conditions are different.
2, ordering should be determined according to the model marking method in the sample.
3, the company reserves the right of final interpretation and amendment of this sample.

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