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Release:Zhengyang air conditioning | Time:2018/8/20 10:05:47
Product features
The tubular hot water air curtain machine adopts high efficiency heat exchanger coil, and uses the airflow of cross flow fan to discharge heat from the air curtain outlet. Heat exchange coil is made of copper tube aluminum foil by liquid or mechanical pressure, high efficiency heat transfer capacity, where hot water is heat source, it is the best choice to save electricity.

Model description

Example: RM-1515-S-3
The impeller diameter is 150mm, the nominal width of the outlet air is 1500mm, the coil is 3 rows, and the heat medium is the tubular hot air curtain.

Height of installation
The most suitable installation height of tubular hot water and steam air curtain is 2m-3m.
Main technical parameters of intersecting hot water air curtain machine

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