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Drum nozzle

Release:Zhengyang air conditioning | Time:2018/8/20 9:38:26
Drum jet diffuser

VENTECH drum jet diffusers are inconspicuous and discharge air long distances to the occupied zone, such as airport, stadium, theatre.

Drum jet diffusers can be adjusted electrically or manually and work in heating or cooling modes. The drum jet diffusers inner core can be adjusted within the range of ± 30°, and the inside blades can be adjusted left and right to control the air flow direction. The drum jet diffuser connected to the wall by flanges.
drum diffusers are used for preference where the supply air from the diffuser has to travel a large distance to the occupied zone. This is the case in large rooms (halls, assembly rooms etc.), particularly when the distribution of air via ceiling diffusers is not possible or not practical. Here drum jet diffusers are arranged in the side wall areas.
●  The direction of the air stream from the drum jet nozzles can be easily adjusted manually to suit particular on site conditions.
● The inner core movement can be motorized within the range of ± 30°.
● The wide range of designs available, the flexibility in adapting to local conditions and compliance with low noise requirements mean that VENTECH drum jet diffusers can be used in almost any air conditioning system.
●  Diffuser made of extruded aluminum, powder-coated.

●  For long distance supply air.

●  High induction results in a rapid reduction of the temperature difference and airflow velocity.

●  Opposed blade damper optional. 

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