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Release:Zhengyang air conditioning | Time:2018/5/5 18:48:10
The primary effect air filter is suitable for primary filtration of air conditioning systems. It is mainly used for filtering dust particles above 5 m. The first effect filter has three types of plate, folding and bag type. The outer frame material includes paper frame, aluminum frame, galvanized sheet frame, filter material, non-woven fabric, nylon net, activated carbon filter, metal hole net, aluminum rolling net and so on.
The characteristics of the primary effect air filter are low cost, light weight, good versatility and compact structure.
Pre filtration of central air conditioning and centralized ventilation system
Pre filtration of large air compressor
Clean air return system
Pre filtration of local high efficiency filter
The activated carbon filter can remove odor, ammonia and other pollutants in the air and improve the air supply quality of the air conditioning system.
High temperature air filter, stainless steel frame, high temperature 250-300 degree        

Replaceable filter REPLACEABLE MEDIA
The user can easily replace the filter material by himself, which saves the spare parts cost for the users and reduces the trouble of transportation and storage.
Filter efficiency EFFICIENCY
There are two kinds of initial filtration efficiency: G3 and G4, corresponding to the weight method 90% and colorimetric method 40%. This efficiency filter is commonly used for primary filtration of air conditioning and ventilation systems, as well as for simple air conditioning and ventilation systems requiring only one level of filtration.
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