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Release:Zhengyang air conditioning | Time:2018/5/27 11:15:03
The filter is widely applied to the intermediate filtration of air conditioning system. It is suitable for occasions with high concentration of dust. It uses high quality chemical fiber and nonwoven filter material and has large volume of dust. It is mainly used for filtering particles of dust of 1-5 m, and has the advantages of small resistance and large air volume. Medium efficiency filters are bag type, frame type and combined type.
The bag filter has the following characteristics: large air volume, small resistance, stable performance, low price and versatility.

Water washable Washable and Durable
The users of festival sword hope that the filter can be cleaned and reused. The bag filter manufactured by our company can meet this requirement. Some users have cleaned one filter several times, and the filter has a life span of one year.
Small resistance LOW Resistance
Special chemical fiber filter material, reasonable structure, so that the resistance of the bag filter to a minimum level.
Performance stable Reliable Performance
There is no static electricity on the filter material of the bag filter made by our company. There is no transient enhancement factor in the filtration index. As long as the filter material is not damaged, the filtration efficiency after cleaning is as early as possible.
Universal strong International Dimensions
The structure and size of the bag filter are unified with the international bag filter. Therefore, it is suitable for most central air conditioning systems and centralized ventilation systems.
Unique structure
The outer frame is made of special aluminum profile or galvanized plate and frame, which is convenient for recycling, using and U aluminum alloy layering. The resistance of the filter bag structure is low and the service life is long.
Type of efficiency
F5, F6, F7, F8 and F9 are suitable for different situations.
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