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Release:Zhengyang air conditioning | Time:2018/5/5 19:05:04
The folding air filter is made of high quality plastic and galvanized steel sheet or aluminum plate, and is made of ultrafine chemical fiber or off duty fiber filter paper. Its prominent feature is the effective filtration area, low resistance, small space, strong durable, nontoxic and tasteless, can be used as the pre filter of high efficiency air filter, so as to prolong the service life of high efficiency filter.

The subefficient air filter is made of fiberglass paper as filter material, offset paper or aluminum foil as a separator, combined with a wooden frame or galvanized frame. It can be used as an intermediate filter in the air purification system. It can also be used as a terminal filter for the one hundred thousand level (FS209D) and its clean cleanroom, which is suitable for ambient temperature. The air is purified at normal pressure and at normal temperature.
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