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Swirling tuyere

Release:Zhengyang air conditioning | Time:2018/5/8 15:36:33
In the air conditioning and ventilation system, it can be used as a large air volume in the air conditioning and ventilation system. It can be used in the ceiling or ceiling, which can be used in the low space within 3 meters, and can also be used in two kinds of high area. The height is even up to more than 10 meters. The characteristics of the swirl air outlet VDL series wind direction adjustable air supply depth is greater than 3.80M. The VDL series swirl tuyere can achieve the best air supply effect by adjusting the air supply angle, whether in cooling or heating. Classified swirl draught can be divided into two types: manual swirl vent and electric cyclone. Manual swirl vent: it is necessary to manually modulate the corresponding angle to supply the wind. Electric actuator type: Electric swirl vent can be controlled by switches, 220V electric control vane to adjust the air volume, and adjust the air supply angle at will. Temperature control type (temperature sensitive type): temperature sensing swirling vent neck is equipped with a warm sense actuator, which can automatically detect the air temperature, and automatically drive the inner blade to change the air supply angle. When the temperature of the air supply is less than 17 C in summer, the blade can be automatically adjusted to the cooling mode, and the air flow is blown out horizontally. When the temperature of the air supply is more than 27 C in winter, the blade can be automatically adjusted to the heating mode, and the air flow is blown out in the vertical direction. It can meet the air supply requirements under different conditions in winter and summer. The temperature sensitive actuator does not need artificial or power supply and electrical control equipment. It has the advantages of energy saving, environmental protection, stable performance, easy installation and maintenance free. [1] installation and use of manual swirl tuyere, electric swirl vent can be suitable for industrial plants or high-level activities. The swirling tuyere can be installed in large public places (such as industrial buildings, airports, theaters, banking offices, etc.), and can also be installed in indoor (such as conference rooms) above the height of 3.80M, especially for places where the air temperature difference from - 10K+15K range is changed. The product adopts 1. swirl flow outlets to select main control parameters, such as draft type, material quality, specification, outlet wind speed, total pressure loss and airflow range. 2. the material of the cyclone outlet is mainly composed of two types of steel and aluminum alloy. 3. key points of selection 1) according to the characteristics of the project, the type of air distribution needed, the regulation performance and the air supply mode, the corresponding type of the tuyere is selected. 2) according to the required air volume [air supply or discharge (return) wind], the size of the required tuyere is determined within the allowable wind speed range at the neck of the tuyere (or the inlet and outlet section of the tuyere). 3) check the main technical properties of the selected draught, such as range, pressure loss, noise index and wind speed and temperature difference in the working area. 4) determine the layout and installation method of the selected outlet and the connection way with the air duct. Construction and installation 1. check the mechanical properties of the tuyere before installation. A) the movable parts of the tuyere are required to act freely and evenly, without clamping and loosening. B) the adjustable or dismantling product of the deflector is required to adjust and disassemble conveniently and reliably, and there is no loosening after positioning. 2. the surface of the tuyere should be smooth, the blade should be evenly distributed, the color should be consistent, and there is no obvious scratch and indentation.
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